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Dr. TATU JOY E completed his BDS from the prestigious Manipal Academy of higher education and his MDS from the lauded SDM College of dental sciences, Dharwad. He also has a PGDMLS, a degree in the medico-legal aspects from Symbiosis institute. He started an exclusive oral medicine practice in 2000 and is credited with having the first CBCT centre in Kerala. Determining the current needs of the society, Dr. Tatu, after extensive pursuits and training in the management of TMD, established an exclusive orofacial pain centre in Kochi in 2015. Dr. Tatu is a fellow of the international college of craniomandibular orthopaedics and the vice president of ICCMO, India. His interest lies not just in clinical practice but also in inculcating practical applicable research in day-to-day practice. He has authored over 50 national and international publications, and has lectured extensively in India and overseas on both-imageology and management of orofacial pain through the principles of neuromuscular dentistry. In addition to all these achievements, he proves that racehorses don't stop at finish lines. He has recently acquired a Ph.D. from the prestigious Ecole' superior France.

Dr tatu Certificates and awards

Certificates & Awards

Dr tatu scientific publications

Scientific Publications

  • Assessment of Craniocervical posture in TMJ disorders using lateral radiographic view; A cross sectional study.

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  • Evaluation of vertical facial height reduction and severity of temporomandibular joint disorders using Shimbashi number and cephalometric analysis.

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  • The assessment of mandibular surface area changes in bruxers Vs controlon panoramic radiographic images, a case control study.

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  • The Myriad presentation of Lichen planus.

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  • Hyperparathyroidisim Jaw Tumor Syndrome: A rare condition of Incongruous features.

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  • Prevalence of microbial colonization of mouth mask.

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  • Attitude and awareness of general dental practitioners towards temporo mandibular disorders.


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  • Attitude and awareness of general dental practitioners toward radiation hazards and safety.


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  • Correlation of Serum Levo-Fucose levels as a bio marker with tumor node metastasis staging in oral cancer patients.


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  • A rare case report of fracture of the articular eminence fracture diagnosed using CBCT.



  • OPG and CBCT findings of an ectopic third molar in the sub-condylar region.

  • Radiographic study of the location of Mental Foramen in a randomly selected Asian Indian Population on Digital Panoramic Radiographs.


  • A rare presentation of a simple bone cyst.


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  • Resourcefulness of CBCT Sialography in detection of multiple radiolucent sialoliths- A case report.

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  • Study of the patterns of Mental foramen opening and location in an asian community.

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  • Attitude and awareness of general dental practitioners toward radiation hazards and safety.

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia – A review.

  • Chair side investigations in oral medicine.

  • Apitherapy – A harmless boon to dentistry.

  • NSAIDS and its role in Dentistry.

  • Recurrent herpes labialis –Diagonsis and management for the dental practitioner.

  • Merits of CBCT in identification of occult fracture of the maxillofacial region.

  • CBCT and its applications in maxillofacial Surgery.

  • Application of CBCT in Prosthodontics.

  • A rare  case of congenital duplication of whartons duct.

  • Traumatic bone cyst-an unusual bone cavity .

Dr tatu scientific presentations

Scientific Presentations

How to Diagnose & Report TMD Cases with CBCT - by Dr. Tatu Joy

TMJ disorders - A diagnostic dilemma

Webinar on TMJ

Keynote Speaker: ICCMO 21 st Biennial congress, May 2021, New York.

Keynote Speaker: ICCMO international congress May 2019, Moscow.

Keynote Speaker: The Third eye in Maxillofacial Imaging,11 th Feb2018, COLOMBO, SL

Keynote Speaker; 1 st ICCMO international conference, Capitol Hotel,Bangalore.25 th August
2018-Radiological aspects in Neuromuscular Dentistry.

Keynote address in the 45 th Kerala State IDA conference at Trissur on ‘CBCT and its uses for
the general dentist’, April 14 th 2013.

Keynote speaker in the Kerala State Faculty development program in Electronics in Medical
Diagnosis held at the Albertian Institute of Science and technology.14-05-2013

Guest Lecture on Cone Beam Computed Tomography- Diagnosis and Interpretation held at
M’CODS, Mangalore on 2 nd November 2012.

Keynote speaker in the Kerala state Maxillofacial Surgeons conference held at Mahe dental
college on ‘ CBCT and Maxillofacial applications’.

Faculty for the CDE programme on ‘Radiographic Preparatory steps in implant planning’by
the IDA North Malabar Branch on 12 th July 2009.

Faculty for the CDE programme on ‘Implications of Oral Medicine and Radiology for the

General practitioner’ by IDA Malanadu Branch ,on 28 th August 2005.

Presentation done on “ R.B.C’s in health and disease” in the CDE symposium held at Mumbai,
on December 6 th 1997.

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