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Sleep related Symptoms

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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Sleep is the secret to a happy life. A distorted sleep in the form of an airway dysfunction can have devastating consequences on one's health. One such commonly found problem is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). If not diagnosed and treated timely, it can lead to bigger problems like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, indigestion, and other cardiac problems.

OSA is the most common form of Sleep Breathing Disorder that causes a cessation in breathing while a person is in his sleep. This happens when muscles at the back of the mouth relax to such an extent that it completely blocks the airway. Due to this a person with OSA often wakes up regularly and is not even aware of it.


What do they suffer from?


Headache and unresolved migraines

Excessive daytime sleepiness



TMJ Dysfunctions

Brain fogging

Frequent visits to the toilet at night

Less alertness during the day

Neck pain


How do I know if I have OSA?

Just like any other medical condition a proper diagnosis is required before commencing treatment. To receive a proper diagnosis, a sleep study is a must. It can be done either at home with a portable device or in the hospital in a sleep lab. The portable home sleep test is the most convenient, it can be done in a place where you are comfortable. Based on the results we will be able to make a diagnosis and recommend the appropriate treatment.


Benefits of treating OSA

People who receive treatment for OSA report with;

Reduced snoring

Reduced headache and facial pain

Better stamina

Resolved TMJ and facial pain

Migraine relief

Better breathing cycles.

Reduced daytime sleepiness.

Better diabetic and hypertension control.


What are my treatment options?

Treatment options vary with individuals. We at Dr. Tatu's TMJ HEAD AND NECK PAIN CARE are in a position to offer multiple treatment options starting with a simple night appliance to the most advanced and efficient option of Maxillary skeletal expansion (MSE) done without any surgery or medication. MSE works on adults and kids by expanding the upper jaw and other facial structures thereby bringing about a 3Dimensional change in the airway with lasting results, additionally, we retain the options of using a CPAP device or other conservative LASER surgical procedures.


  • Insomnia: The most prevalent form of sleep breathing disorder, where the person has trouble falling asleep or he would wake up in between sleep and will have trouble getting back to sleep. It is estimated that up to 5 million people encounter this problem every year. Insomnia happens due to various reasons, when diagnosed properly it can be managed with great success.


  • Snoring:  the most overlooked form of sleep breathing disorder. It is a sound or a reverberation caused when there is a partial or complete obstruction to the airway. It can happen in the nasal region as well as in the oral region.  A pathologic snoring can happen with the growth of a tonsil and adenoid, Deviated nasal septum (DNS), and nasal polyps.















  • Excessive daytime sleepiness:  when a person is sleep deprived qualitatively or quantitatively it can be extremely taxing on the system. The need or a craving for good sound quality sleep will manifest in the form of excessive daytime sleepiness. This is an extremely dangerous condition as it can lead to untoward accidents and other fatalities. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea is a major cause of excessive daytime sleepiness.


  • Frequent bathroom visits during sleep:  when a person is sleep deprived due to Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) or through some form of sleep breathing disorder, he or she will not be able to get deep sleep or will encounter some disturbance in their sleep cycle. When this happens, the body fails to produce an important hormone in the name of Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) vasopressin, which helps in retaining fluids and urinary incontinence. When the person rectifies his OSA condition the frequent visits to the restroom also gets reduced


  • Tossing and turning around while asleep:  Constantly tossing and turning around in the bed, waking up in awkward positions in the bed is a good indication that your sleep is disturbed. This is commonly seen in kids as well in adults. The main reason is due to upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS). This condition can be fixed by your neuromuscular dentist through an appliance or with the help of myofunctional exercises


  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): This is a very commonly found behavioral issue found in children. Kids with ADHD are generally given anti-anxiety medication to get them under control. Essentially it is just a sleep issue and the frustration of inadequate sleep. Clearing the airway obstruction goes a long way in ensuring that the kid sleeps well and gets good adequate deep sleep. This can improve and even completely alter their ADHD.


  • Night grinding and clenching: A common way by which a person handles or deals with stress is through clenching or grinding the teeth. This doesn't always have to be due to stress. It can happen if the sleep is disturbed in the form of OSA, other forms of sleep breathing disorders, or improper bite and jaw alignment. Many of our patients treated for OSA have reported a dramatic reduction in night grinding and clenching.


  • Daytime tiredness: When a person is sleep-deprived in quality or quantity all the vital energies in the body are drained and depleted. This lack of energy in the body results in daytime tiredness. Patients with Obstructive sleep apnoea and other forms of sleep breathing disorders often have this daytime tiredness. A thorough assessment by a sleep specialist can go a long way in improving your focus and alertness all through the day.


  • Difficulty in breathing: Conditions like obstructive sleep apnoea happening on a daily level can alter the very breathing pattern in a human being. This in the long run can give rise to habitual mouth breathing which in turn will have a cascading effect giving rise to conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Further, spasms of the neck musculature from TMD too can cause difficulty in breathing.


  • Increased blood pressure (Hypertension): Obstructive sleep Apnoea is a major factor responsible for hypertension. When the airway gets constricted or compromised it causes a lower blood oxygen level which in turn strains the heart to pump more blood and causes an elevated blood pressure level. Correcting OSA is quintessential in controlling your blood pressure levels.


  • Uncontrolled blood sugar levels: The diabetic level in an individual is prone to so many factors that directly and indirectly affect the normal functioning of the pancreas. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in the long run causes an increase of insulin resistance in the body thereby making it hard for the individual to have a stable blood sugar level.



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